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Prof. Dr. Kurt Tauchmann |
ARUNGSEJARAH.COM - Sawerigading in Luwuq, Sulawesi and Beyond: Local and Regional Cultural Identity and Social Transformation in Epic Memory (bagian 1).
Sawerigading can be considered as a protagonist for cosmic order in space and through time, connected to the foundation of civilisation and culture as well as Southeast Asian identity in general. Through time he appears as a marine wanderer between the present South of China, Southeast Asia, Southern India, Ceylon and the Maldives, the Arab Peninsula, Madagascar and Africa and even leaving traces in the western Hemisphere of the Greek-Roman world.
In different local settings of Sulawesi, as in the whole Austronesian-Malaic context, Sawerigading, is remembered in Uya-Uya epic recitations, which in their intonation are carried by the movement of the sea waves. Manifold oral traditions in different local settings and the common epic cannon La Galigo shape the land- and seascape according to his wanderings. While Sawerigading seems to be the descendent of a mythical dragon ( Naga ) associated with the milky way in the beginning [1], he transforms gradually into a Shiva-Buddha ( Barata, Rama, Same ) [2] identity and converts into the unique world view of Patuntung, finally including invented Islamic traditions too. This world view in the local environment of Sulawesi dominates the cultural memory of all ethnic groups up to the present. It establishes the Bugis royal elite of “ white blood “ and is visible in a piece of Naga skin as part of the royal insignia of Goa dynasties.
Sawerigading appears as the leader of a class of warriors called Manuqo’s [3] and seems to be the forebear of Vak’s, Aru’s / Halu’s, Rake / Rakai / Laki [4] and their Monic fellows called Chijs / Chin’s and Jao’s spread through the Malaic world along the maritime silk road and its incursions into the area of the spice, sandalwood and ivory trade. They are called brethren of the Chinese [5] but have an identity which is connected to the polity called Cina and later Pamana in the Wajo - Bugis area of Sulawesi. They are still visible through Spanish reports in the 16th century as the former masters of the spice trade between Maluku, Malabar, Coromandel and Ceylon through a network along maritime routes to Aden and from there to Alexandria, Damascus, Constantine as the Greek, Roman and Byzantine centres and into the western Hemisphere. According to the Periplus of the Eritrean Seas and the early Roman historian Pliny they are mentioned in connection with the Meru – Archipelago and a polity called Kaboschiyya accompanied by a toponym Ongkor as well as the etymon Buja on the African coast of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. In the early 14th century the Arab traveller Ibn Batuta mentions the toponyms Béjaya on the coast and Bougie in the interior of present Algeria which still exist and show how far Vijaya myth and Bugi identity diffused [6]. Ibn Battuta also went to a district near the river Niger in present Mali / West Africa called Iwalatan [7] where he wonders about the “ strange ” customs of its people.
In the early history of Sulawesi, maybe during the 6th or 7th century, this maritime elite is represented by the hero Samerlak [8], merging the tradition with the Malaic context [9], where he searches for a wife. In ethnic terms this hero possibly conforms with the lakina [10] functionary in Buton and the elite of Aru’s on the east coast of Sulawesi and the early polity of Luwuq. In the dynastic period within South Sulawesi it transforms into the royal identity of Arung Palaka and the title of Andi [11] for the class of a Bugis elite of royal offspring, while the spiritual leader of Same communities carries the title Lolo [12] establishing genealogical continuity through which title and function of their spiritual leader after his death moves to a male of his patrilineage ( keturunan Lolo ).
Sawerigading is also known in Sulawesi and elsewhere under the title of Rai / Lai [13] which qualifies him as “ lord of the world ” giving him, in a metaphorical way, a cosmic identity and at the same time associates him with economic and social transformation through the invention of vertical stratification in Sulawesi society [14]. Below that protagonist of a maritime elite the greater part of the society within Hindu-Buddha context belonged to the colour category “ black “ ( khalu ) and included the classes of shudra ( traders and specialist craftsmen ) and vaisya [15] ( peasant farmers ) as locals bound through labour bondage to their masters and anatomically associated with the body as against the legs.
Almost all oral traditions in different parts of East Indonesia denote the historical prevalence of early civilisations in the mountainous interior of certain islands by the term Pota bangun [16]. They prospered through communal work in agriculture and had females as sacral rulers of dragon descent secluded from the public in a wooden village temple and announcing their will through a male speaker. When leaving the ritual centre they had to be carried. This is confirmed by oral traditions for Halmahera Island, in the neighbourhood of Jailolo, the Banggay-Archipelago ( on Peling Island ), another Jailolo in the southern part of Selayar Island, now extinct, which give evidence for such early agricultural civilisations within Hindu-Buddha context for different areas of Sulawesi. While the excavated earliest bronze drum (nekara) on Selayar Island has been dated back to around 2000 years and can be traced to the Dongson context of present Vietnam it seems to have been diffused with an elite of dragon descent through the Chamic polities of Lin-yi, Fu-nan and Cham-pa and the early polities of Ternate, Motir ( Bajan ), Gapi (Banggay) and Buton / Beten [17]. The reference to Beten appears also a little northwards in the hills of East Sulawesi as Betelemme [18] and several Bete-Bete [19]. Bété is also reported as the former homeland of an immigrant elite which were called Merina in Madagacar in the 16th century.
The early agricultural civilisations concentrated in the mountainous interior are followed by the later period of Bonto bangun and the emergence the of coastal settlements under male leadership which were called according to their insignia kimalaha / kimaraha, “ the great conch ” [20].Gender-oriented segments of maritime communities were reported as existing until the end of the 20th century on Minikoy Island in the Maledives. They had a maritime, male section with several factions ( attiri ) on the coast and a female, agricultural section with several factions ( varangi ) in the interior. Those varangi are identical with the barangay which characterise ocean going tramp-communities as colonists in the Philippines and elsewhere. During the early Malaic period in Indonesia many such polities ( kerajaan pesisir ) appear on the coasts of the Indonesian Archipelago. During the early Islamic period the raja was called kolano by locals and integrated different communities as separate entities with their own hadat. The kimalaha’s transformed to dependent leaders of the marine section as against the sangaili or sangaji as dependent leaders of agricultural factions.
In summary it becomes clear that Sawerigading’s contacts, adventures, amour like liaisons and marriage alliances on different shores establish social space and land- and seascape at a mental map for Sulawesi Islands and beyond, which can not be taken as lasting local realities in topographical terms. Like in other regions around the Indian ocean they depict the origins of some of the different ethnic groups of the present time, and the formation of a complex and stratified society in Sulawesi Selatan. Through epic memory Sama / Same, Bayo, Mandar, Bare ( Toraja ) on the one side as against Majene, Tu-ri-jene, Tomene, Baje ( Waywaje ), Bajo, Wajo, Buton as well as Bugis identity on the other side take shapes, and provides information about political processes called ethnizisation. Sawerigading’s wanderings are also interconnected with the emergence of the first decentralised and topographically drifting polity on Sulawesi Islands, known as Luwuq, and later identify the royal elite of Goa / Makassar [42].